How come many SNF's do not achieve the 5 star status? It is simply because SNFs do not have the man hours for their staff to take on these most important roles.
It truly takes a team to achieve a 5 star status. Our team can assist your SNF to achieve the corporate vision/mission and goals.
Is your facility struggling with getting to or maintaining the 5 star status? Allow our team have the opportunity to take a fresh look at systems, procedures and processes of care, and identify potential survey-risk areas
We can help your facility decrease mortality, increase safety for all, increase reimbursement, decrease readmissions, increase patient satisfaction, providing timely and effective care, decrease state tags, decrease staff turnover, promote autonomy and encourage leadership at all levels just to name a few.
Aging, invasive devices, functional impairment, group activities, medications, co morbid conditions, and chronic disease play a huge role in the residents success.
This is what a nurse consultant can do for your facilities 5 star status
Infection prevention and control program
All residents and staff are subject to infections, viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites in the SNF that is why we utilize evidenced based practice. This can ;lead to many different facility wide unnecessary outbreaks​
Risk assessment in 15+ areas
Infection surveillance
Identify and correct incidents
Develop new or change existing policies and procedures
Program to optimize the treatment of infections
Antibiotic stewardship program
Periodic review and monitor staff throughout the year to determine staff needs or gaps
Develop or revise staff training needs
Implement a feedback process for staff and leadership
MOC State Survey
Not being survey ready can mean hefty fines, painstaking plans of care, and staff education, just to name a few. RRLSTC utilizes the same exact forms the state uses when they start their survey process. This can be nipped in the bud before they get to your facility. Additionally, there are other state forms that need to be ready when they actually walk in the door.
Review past tags
Review plans of correction
Facility wide MOC state survey paperwork.
What the SNF needs in preparation before the state arrives.
If deficient, determine if it is staff error, a policy or procedure update and/or more training needed.
DON monitoring this information consistently.
Patient and family satisfaction
What are the 5 P's of patient satisfaction? Hint: They must include hourly rounding. The 5 P's are: Potty, pain, positioning, possessions, and a peaceful environment. When these 5 P's are not met, the resident and the family members can become irritated because they feel that they or their loved one is not being taken care of appropriately. They call the nurse, they call the social worker, they call the ombudsman and then they call the state. This is completely unnecessary. RRLSTC has a plan to have every patient/family satisfied.
Know the staff that are not communicating with the resident /family.
Know the residents that have issues with care.
If the resident if their own POA then nip it in the bud at that time, if not, call that family member and communicate with them to nip it in the bud.
Tri weekly calls to the family member proves to be very effective.
Section Title
Immunization program
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Wound care program
Determine who is at risk
Determine who already has pressure sores, surgical wounds,
Restorative program
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Medication management
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Leadership training
Effective communication
Actively listening
Staff retention
Navigate change
Employee buy in
Water management program
Legionella; Pseudomonas; Acinetobacter; Serratia; and Nontuberculous mycobacteria, or NTM
Legionella, commonly reported cause of waterborne infection outbreaks in nursing homes
Showers, tubs, ventilators, nebulizers,
QAPI program
Quality care
Late loss
Skilled services
Wound care
Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
Peritoneal dialysis
G tube feeding
IV therapy/maintenance
Trachea care
Intermittent catheter
Indwelling catheter
Complex disease management.
Recovery from surgery
Quality reporting program
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List Title
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5 Star quality measures
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Please view the CMS video​
Bonus: Free staff
You will have to inquire and sign up for service with us to achieve this knowledge